K&Co delivers workshop on labour and companies laws

K&Co delivers workshop on labour and companies laws

K&Co delivers a comprehensive workshop on labour and companies laws to Be’ah

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Mr. Sultan Al Ghafri
T. +968 9664 4442
E. sultan.alghafri@kco.com

Mr. Nasser Al Riyami
T. +968 9545 0005
E. nasser.alriyami@kco.com

“Mr. Sultan al Ghafri and Mr. Nasser al Riyami delivered on behalf of Al Khalili, Al Ghailani & Co. LLP  a comprehensive two day workshops on Labour and Companies Law.

Aimed at the upper management of Oman Environmental Services Company (Be’ah) and concerned employees, K&Co. dissected and interpreted the newly promulgated Commercial Companies Law and interpreted the much discussed Labour Law.

A regular speaker and lecturer on Corporate Law, Mr. Al Riyami touched important topics such as corporate capacity, corporate governance, and joint stock companies. Mr. Al Ghafri delivered his workshop on the role of labour legislations in organizing the workplace, unjust terminations, and rights and benefits of employees.”

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